ive no idea who she is--but the resemblance is uncanny.
i need another drink
ive no idea who she is--but the resemblance is uncanny.
i need another drink
republicans want to make a law that forbids ‘uncontested divorce”.
they based this on this scripture.. matthew 19. is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”.
4 “haven’t you read,” jesus replied, “that at the beginning the creator ‘made them male and female,’and said, ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
probably find that by then blood wont be used in transfusions anyway--cheaper no risk alternatives used instead.
if you do a search on the wt website and type in "oral sex", you will get 69 results.
https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=oral+sex&p=par&r=occ&st=a .
why does the wt.
my teenage fiancee / pioneer partner and i quite often indulged in soixante neuf. In Those days so long as you didnt go " all the way" it was just a matter of conscience. It was only when we were first married--on honeymoon attending a district assembly that this "toying with immorality " became a thing. Lots of red faces around.
a very certain distinctive of jws is how they refer to themselves.
"one of jehovah's witnesses".
it's one of those coded jargon thingies.
so, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
i watched some of this garbage last night--my wifes 18 y o son had it on netfux or similar. Foul language, people being torn apart or blown to bits.
Ideal entertainment for pre teens i imagine.
I hope no actors were harmed making it.
i would suggest:.
the short answer is yes.. the longer answer is a qualified yes, with some caveats.
the short answer is yes because jehovah’s witnesses teach that jesus is michael the archangel, their leader, eldest and most powerful, and have taught this since the very beginning of the religion.
new story on google news search today 8/3 for "jehovah".
dorsett eye: "the jehovahs witness con".
jehovah witnesses are hypocrites and false prophets who are conning themselves".
i was recently in the company of a jw.
this is a long time devout jw and i served them a meal.
i was surprised by their reaction, they simply sat down, grabbed a fork and began shoveling???
i used to hate having to pray out loud to the great bartender in the sky--just to gratify others.
a very certain distinctive of jws is how they refer to themselves.
"one of jehovah's witnesses".
it's one of those coded jargon thingies.